When the Words Don’t Come

I write. A lot. I love words and I love finding new ways to express all that is within.

It started for me in my teens years when I had so many thoughts in my mind, I became overwhelmed. I started to write poetry. I created worlds of my own in moments to get out what was circling viciously in my mind and heart. I started writing in journals. I started combining those words with music. Then I began writing songs expressing whatever my heart was delighting or grieving in.

There are seasons where they flow so easily, a song can be birthed in a few minutes and crafted into something beautiful in a few practices. But then there are those devastating deserts of creativity where nothing can be squeezed out. The desire is there, but the frustration that accompanies it not only dampens but distills those words into dust. Nothing much becomes of dust.

So when the words don’t come… what do we do? First off, I walk away, rather than forcefully perpetuating my creative block. Then on a really practical level I’ve learnt that when there is a creative dry spell it usually is systemic to my life.

What is going on in my life right now? Am I up/down/all around? Am I focused? Am I stretched? Have I given enough time to this or am I forcing it? Am I tapping in or avoiding something? What is my motivation for creating something?

Or perhaps is my creativity being given away to other fields within my work of family life?

I’m a believer that we have a creative tank and we can only take so much from it before it has nothing left to give. So when work demands my creativity, my songwriting can suffer or for the most current impact: my health might determine I am creative in other arenas for a season.

All of this to say, When the words don’t come it’s time to get away:

With Him.

Often I think when we try to force creativity it can be infuriating and is also ineffective. So constantly laying the gift and the moment down in spending some time with Him helps. For me my creativity is my expression of my heart for my Creator so I find my best worship songs and my greatest gifts come directly from the overflow of my heart. When I am in step with Him, the words often flow sweetly and the tap doesn’t effectively run dry.

With Ourselves.

If our creativity is a direct overflow of our relationship with Him and the status of our heart, we also need to reconnect with ourselves in a way that fills our cups. Sometimes we are so busy doing life/ministry and all of the things we forget to take the time for us. Whilst it can feel selfish, sometimes refuelling myself looks like time out for me doing the things that bring me joy. Our most creative moments often flow easily from a place of enjoyment in what we are doing or in the deeper parts of processing something. Some of my more unheard by others songs come from the dark places I’ve walked or in grieving loss, ultimately this came from being in touch with who I am and where I was at and as a result something beautiful and healing formed. Not everything that we produce needs to come from a positive overflow or needs to be shared, sometimes it’s the very darkness within than feeds the gift and compels us to express ourselves.

With Nature.

There’s nothing quite like getting into His creation and being inpsired by the fresh air, the beauty of surroundings and also just being away from the hustle. When we change our surroundings we often can be filling a tank we didn’t know was empty. Taking in those moments on a bush walk, or sitting at the beach give a wide open space for the mind and in beginning to ask: What can you see? What can you hear? What is God stirring in you? These things begin to stir creativity within so write them down, sit and meditate in that space. Breathe deeply and ask God to fill you again.

With Art.

Find outside sources that inspire you to be creative. When I take time to appreciate someone else’s gifting it gives new rise to my own creativity. Experience art and creativity in different forms, maybe go to an art gallery, but a movie, a play, a dance, read a new genre, listen to new music. It also doesn’t have to be in your field of expertise to which you create!

With Space.

Create room to be creative in new ways. I love to paint, but I like painting walls… not canvas! Finding ways to get creative outside the sphere you are wanting to create within spurs on ideas and thought processes and often its when I use those alternative gifts that I am mentally cleared to go write songs and posts that give way to things I didn’t know were within me. It’s often in creating space in my schedule or space in my head that the unblocking is made.

Sweet one, if the words aren’t here just now – don’t give up, just get away and find a fresh perspective.

until next time… xox

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