Dear Diary

I can’t tell you the value I have found in writing in my journal. I started when I was hitting my teens, and it was really a space for me to vent. I have a giggle now when I look back at those tumultuous years, my thoughts and desires so evidently massive for my heart. And yet my heart for the Lord was growing in that space. I wrote for hours before bed time just me and Jesus and that built something in me in how I connected with Him in the years to come.

Sometimes it has been an easy feat, something I can’t live without – my journal in my bag where ever I go, ready to be inscribed. But there have been seasons where I haven’t tracked the journey and the perfectionist in me regrets not writing down those thoughts and dreams and pages of insight. Sometimes my processes have been in my personal instagram account or my personal blog. I didn’t have the capacity to do both and in differing season my time was so limited. 

There is power in the written word, typed or by hand. I love how God can use writing to speak so clearly into our lives… So today I just thought I might be uber practical and share how I journal.

New Journal, New season.

I often have found that the closing of an old journal brings about some excitement as God allows me to explore more intimately what a journal has held. My fears, dreams, thoughts, memories, journey, words of insight, prophetic visions, others words of encouragement along the way. Each journal marks the chapters of our story. 

Title page

My first blank two pages of the journal are left for a title page and an index page. I pray a lot about what this journal is going to encapsulate, what God is either doing currently or feel we are leading into. Often this is my mantle saying or thought or quote for the coming months. As I go through journals probably every few months this has been really beautiful to see the unfolding of a season. I’ve also begun asking God to give me a phrase to scribe on the final page to usher in the next chapter too.

Index your entries

As you go you can track your season and progress by giving each entry a title. I’ve just started this practice earlier this year and it has been such an insightful process as I document the recurring thoughts, issues, growth that God has been teaching me. At the end of a journal I take my retreat day to spend some time highlighting the things that stand out or answered prayers as I reflect. I also look for themes that present themselves throughout its pages and go back and index what I had not yet gotten around to doing. This also helps get an overview and a glimpse into what He is upto in any given season.

Just Write

Getting in the practice of writing in a journal doesn’t have to be complicated. But creating room for time in His presence and documenting it has been such a helpful tool for life. As we navigate and process and refine I have loved being able to see my thoughts make sense. Really you can write / draw whatever and however you want – it’s your creative space to reflect. So simply begin and make it a habit. When you have a thought write it down. It might not be every day. It might be once a week or once a month. Or sporadic and periodically. This is your space, so make it work for you!

Some options you could try out:

Write openly:

My journal is scattered in the living thoughts I have played out on paper. Sometimes I just sit and write openly about what I am thinking. Sometimes it’s a letter to God, sometimes it’s a record of what God is doing, or simply what we have done that day. 

Bullet Journal

This might suit you if you are a list orientated person, or not one for many words. Or prefer giving your journal an all-in approach – combining your calendar, list making or thoughts. Writing key themes or simply keeping a list of the people and things you are praying for. Be as creative as you like… Pinterest have lots of ideas if you’re feeling a little lost.


The beautiful gifts of typography and artistry in so many of those I mentor, when I asked told me they take one page and ask God to speak to them and then they draw it out. I’m not a huge artist so I don’t delve into this one much personally, but it can be a beautiful creation releasing what you need to onto the page. Not only are you meditating as you create but you are processing in your own way what God is doing. And that’s really the whole point!

Reread and Reflect

Calve out some time to sit down and reread your journals when you finish them or feel like you might need to have some time to look back and see where you have come from. I take a day of retreat for my heart, ministry, business and reflection with Jesus once a month. It’s a treasured gem among the hustle and ordinary to step out and reread my journal. I love being able to highlight the significant or repetitive phrases that come up. I also ask God in those moments to solidify and seal what He has been working in and through me.

At the end of the day it’s about connection, writing things down and taking time to reflect. When we rely on our memories (which are fickle and often romanticised) we can skew the truth, but when we write something down it is real and raw. Thoughts unable to be lost. The beauty found in journalling is the vulnerability that comes from laying your heart bare, it generally isn’t for anyone else to see so you can truly be you in the moment. That’s where God works His best, when you are willing to share your true heart with Him. Invite Him into that space and see what He does!

Happy journalling.

until next time… xox 

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