The Unfurling Scepture

I love how Holy Spirit moves and how He whispers in the moments… you know He’s constantly talking to us. It’s only when we begin to realise this we choose to make room for deeper conversations… then we can hear more clearly from God. How is the Holy Spirit speaking to you in this season? What are some of the random thoughts you have had, or pictures you have seen and thought ‘I wonder what that even means…’ Last year I had a vision, it came upon me very quickly and suddenly in a moment I wasn’t expecting, the kids were busy, noisily playing and I had made a cup of tea and I was sitting watching them.

Holy Spirit met with me in a tiny moment, this is what he showed me:

“The church will rise again. His Spirit holding the sceptre. His stake in the ground unfurling what the generations before us have laid down, what they compacted into our ground out of fear. His praise will erupt a new sound and usher the way in for the risen king. The next generation of worship leaders are seeing sides of God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, He hasn’t shown before – because we could not see it in our fear or in our attempts to manufacture His presence. His voice will be clearer to this generation because they hunger for an authentic relationship with Him.”

Holy Spirit has been showing me He’s up to something in this generation of worship leaders. You are in the midst of something incredible. I get this quickening in my heart to draw myself into these moments, I see the potential but perhaps others don’t. He’s calling you to usher into new ground. This is something I don’t want to miss… don’t miss it either, God is bringing heaven to earth in this season in ways people before you have never seen, so it hasn’t been modelled. You have to be courageous. But first you have to be open.

A few months ago this is what He said to me as I led at a conference:

“Because this is your hearts cry, I will give it to you; new ground is hard when the generation before you have laid it down and trampled it. It requires tilling, ploughing in prayer. The ground is shaking, as I unearth the beauty it will sprout up through the cracks. This point in time is a pivot for the generation going to leave a legacy. One that will care for these new shoots, rather than trample (and some will). It’s our job and responsibility to watch where we tread. To be tentative towards our next steps, that they are cultivating and nurturing. Lean down, go love, embrace the new. In here is the secrets of heaven.

Often my ways are subtle and mysterious, but this move of my presence will be like a boom – a shockwave of my presence. It won’t startle those whom I’ve prepared for it. But it will shift something dramatically. It will be obvious – just like the fruits of the spirit are obvious, so will my presence in manifestation. You will know it is of me and to lead the people into a deeper saturation of my presence. My love for them is deep, but they’re only splashing in the shallows or dipping a testing toe it.”

This is how God speaks to me often. But it is only in me making room and being attuned to his voice that I hear Him in the moments, the mundane and the mess!!! These moments I could miss so easily because I am distracted, unalert, or in my hustle it can fall upon deaf ears.

This week can I encourage you to seek Holy Spirit and ask Him to reveal to you what He has been singing over you for the past few months that you may have missed or perhaps you need confirmation on. Write it down and make it clear so that you may herald it (Habakuk 2:2).

I journal quite a lot, and in discussing with one of my mentees the other day, we talked about the importance of reflecting upon what God has been saying over the past season. I like to think of my journals as chapters of my life. So I have begun to index them at the front and leave the top line blank on each entry, when it’s complete I now go back highlight and title each entry and index in the front. This practice has been showing me that God often speaks in themes and repetition… because we do sometimes miss it!!! So can I encourage you this morning to go back recall and reflect on what Holy Spirit is speaking into your life. May you ask Him to fall afresh and speak very clearly in life’s moments as you make room for Him.

until next time… xox

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