The Field, The Training Ground

I’m not a fan of waiting. Or the sometimes tedious nature of early days in any season, let alone the call. I’m keen to get to where I am supposed to get to, but God just keeps showing me it really isn’t about where you end up. It’s actually about (warning: tacky cliche of) “how you get there”. (I know, but cliches are cliches, but they do hold truth!!!) Sometimes it’s about going back to the field, waiting on Him, releasing what might be your “thing” and simply tending to what He has entrusted you with. King David, well he learned about this in his younger years as he tended to the fields. He was a small shepherd boy, and it’s here in the field he grows his learning to be on guard, become a skilled musician on the harp, to be a fighter, to worship, to be still, to do the small things that build into the large things. The field was his training ground. The field, is our training ground. If I’ve learnt anything as I’ve gotten older and have reflected on my early days as a worship leader… it falls parallel to the origins of David’s story.

Here’s what I’ve picked up: 

Making space, makes way for relationship – I imagine sheep aren’t overly entertaining by day. There would be a few things to tend to regularly but most of it would focus around supervision, walking around the field and checking fences and the property and of course, the sheep but there would be room in the day. When we make room in our day to day, we build and sow and enlargen our hearts toward His. We become more and more aware of His presence in every moment. It’s in the field David begins the seeds of a “man after His heart”. It’s in the quiet spaces of our lives we sow diligently into the depths of our relationship with God also.  

Tending to the field, tends to our ability to really hear Him – I remember when I first started to worship lead, I became acutely aware how little I knew and how much I needed to hear from Him continually and this isn’t something we outgrow our need for. We’re graced in the training days, this is your chance to take what you hear from Him, and learn to discern His voice.  As I grew in my understanding of leadership and of musicianship it was an easy trap to negate continually (and intentionally) hearing from Him, but when we make space for relationship and keep diligently with what is in our hands in the now is how we learn to trust Him fully. He proves Himself faithful when we are obedient to His voice. David grew in his relationship as he faithfully tended to his sheep. He learnt to hear His voice and know how to respond to it. This built in Him an obedient and worshipping heart.

Overcoming in the field, meant strengthening for the future – As a shepherd David would’ve been on high alert at the transitions of daybreak and dusk, but these wouldn’t have been isolated, threats come in the daylight also. David is prepared by what he faces in the field: a bear, a lion which he was strong enough and skilled enough to kill. He was equipped as he handled his own giants in the field. It’s important to not neglect those first days where you think you’re not getting where you want to be, those training days are preparing you uniquely for the call He has placed on your life. When you look at the life of David, he had time to spend on his musicianship and as a result was selected to play for Saul, he became known for his skilful playing and calming presence. David then is faced with Goliath, a challenge he took on and won which showed favour into his future. These, and other elements of his life, were founded in the field and it’s the same for us, in the field we become stronger as we learn to hear Him, as we grow in our gifting and as we tend to what He has entrusted into our care.

Through out the bible you see how God positions His people and their lineage to make Kingdom happen. I kinda wish we could record the history of what is happening in our own lives in the same way, as God opens doors and heavenly connects us to those who will empower kingdom agenda. It’s in the field we are trained and equipped for the future we are to enter into – yes, we learn again and again along the way, but the powerful seeds that set up our destiny are planted in the field… and one day, with obedience and humility they will flourish into a harvest.

So sweet one, you might be in the waiting but know there is field work being done in you, so keep running fully convinced of your need for Him and knowing His faithfulness will bring your calling into fruition. Run with the courage, the sustenance, the strength found in being obedient to His voice. When He calls you to something – even if it’s small or seemingly impossible, be obedient and receive the fullness He has in store for you… Don’t miss it!

until next time… xox

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