As a busy mum, I often hear the God whisper “draw near” but then I look around… the house, the kids, the cooking, the work, the ongoing to-do list is always present and distracting! It’s hard to carve out time to truly rest in His presence or devote uninterrupted time to read His Word. It can be overwhelming or rushed or undervalued, yet the importance is paramount.
“Draw near to me and I will draw near to you” James 4:8
Over time God keeps bringing me back to simply finding “a moment”, it might be small window of opportunity, a moment where I can ask God today: what are You showing me? Growing in me? Revealing to me? All so I can further Your kingdom’s cause. Often it’s in those moments He speaks the loudest. I’m sure I’m not alone in this, I’ve come across countless people who when I ask how they are going, respond with “busy”. They confess it’s too hard to prioritise time with God. Let me just say this, we will always have things on our plate, calendars booked and moments given subtly to the never ending noise of life. I challenge you though, how can we make moments matter throughout our day?
My answer simply put: just start the conversation.
For me it looks different each day: worship music in the car (kids music get vetoed sometimes!), apps to make life easier with devotionals, choosing what to look at on Instagram/social media to edify my relationship with God, sit beside the kids at bath time to do a five minute bible reading, quiet activities while I do a quiet time, pray out loud while driving or doing housework, going to bed twenty minutes before I intended to write in my journal. All that to say, it never looks the same for the planner in me.
The seasons have morphed my quiet times from goal orientated and structured lengthy times to organic, unceasingly, spontaneous and on the go. I have had to learn to shift my expectation to my current reality through it all: singleness, newlyweds, in grief, working full time, juggling babies and toddlers, running a business, studying and more. In the expectation:reality gap we have to get creative and place importance on connecting with God and seeking Him out more constantly, and consistently. Consistency is the key… those small incremental changes add up to your lifestyle. No one has ever become who they are based on their big moments. Our lifestyle is founded in the every day choices. So as the hustle hums, keep in tune with Him. Find what works for you in your season and engage with God now, don’t wait for tomorrow. Your future self will thank you.
I pray you may He continue to give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know Him personally. (Eph 1:17)