When the Words Don’t Come

We’ve all been there, a creative block that astounds your brilliance. Those moments when you know you need to create something, but there is absolutely zilch in your creative reserve. You are emptied. There’s infinite space for you to dwell in, but nothing tangible takes shape.

Let me start by saying: that’s totally normal. Life has pockets of beautiful, gorgeous flow juxtaposed with valleys of halt and pause. We need to allow ourselves permission to not be constantly producing, but using those opportunities of blockage to process and rest in Him. Regroup. What is God teaching you in this season?

I’m learning more and more as I serve outward, I need to be poured into. Be reading, try listening to new music – Christian artists or not; expose your senses to new environments, be in nature, go to a classical performance, set yourself in such a way you grow creative sprouts. They don’t need to be sown or shared right away, social media doesn’t need to devour the treasures He is gifting you… let those ideas grow beautifully in the forest of your minds eye. The need to be ever growing lingers within us all, yet we are consuming our surroundings with a ferocious hunger and found left in wanting… big or more isn’t necessarily better.

Lean in toward the need to purge the constant intake, and embrace the moments found in pause. Be submerged in reprieve. Be attentive to what God is teaching you here and now. Not where you want to be in ten years time, not the production of today, nor what someone else dictates your life should be compared to, or what other people think/perceive of you. God wants me for me, He wants You for you. Come, sweet one, as you are. We can no longer ignore the gentle calls to come and sit and wait on Him. We need to relish and protect room for “selah” (pause, sit, linger) moments to feed our soul, regroup our heart, realign our focus. We know when we actually stop, the craving to connect runs deep through the recesses of our thoughts even when the hum of hustling gets loud, the lists get longer, the world gets more needy and again we are left emptied by all that has drained us… But deep calls to deep, we are not left there; He is calling to you, only to be filled again.

When we choose to be immersed in the Word and His presence, those new experiences combined allow the creative flow to switch back on. It is only after a time of authentic, keep-it-real pouring in that we can flow truthfully back out again. Make room sweet one for Him in your world. Find your Selah.

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