
Do you remember the not so nice names you were called at school? Perhaps it was a word or a phrase that someone spoke over you leaving an indelible scar on your heart? It’s true. The words we say leave a mark. Whether it’s in our own belief system or in someone else’s treasury, our words have impact. What we declare over our lives and others show the deeper parts of our heart.

Flip it over and see some of the words you adopt in your day to day. Are they positive or negative? It’s easy to get caught up in busy moments and negate the power of the words we sow into our thought patterns. But, ultimately we will declare what we believe – we’ll even highlight thoughts that have the power to interrupt our whole lives because we trust the words we speak have truth. Are you willing to believe everything you think about yourself to be truth? The I’m not good enough. The I can’t do this. The I hate myself. The I am not worthy. The I am unqualified. The I will never be… The, well let’s be honest here for a moment, the lies we tell ourselves. Isn’t that what they are? I am fully convinced words that don’t bring life are dirty little lies keeping us trapped in a place of darkness. I can guarantee this is not how God see’s you nor what He wants you to buy into. He see’s so much more than we will ever understand, or dare to believe, because He made us from a very different viewpoint to where we have arrived today.

“A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.”        Luke 6:45

Want to know how I know? I’ve walked this, I’ve battled with the thought structures needing to be dismantled. I’ve walked the fear of rejection and the anxiety driven approach to life. It’s excruciatingly painful, but when I turn to His Word, and what He says about me. I can now look in the mirror and realise I’ve bought into a rotten prank the Devil’s got going on. It wasn’t something I automatically activated in my life. But I made a choice. I started pursuing one word at a time. One captive thought after another. One adjustment, realignment followed by another. Until I started to see what He saw. What God says in His Word, is true and life giving.

His Word has a greater impact. An eternal one. How blessed are we that we can have access to use His resource to build our foundation wisely?! The Bible is filled with declarations which He has intended us to live wholly by, and don’t forget… live life to the full! When we change the way we think by speaking positive statements from the Living Word over our own lives, we live from a place of Godly overflow into the world around us.

Here are some words you can declare in your own walk:

I have the grace I need for today. God’s power works best in my weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:8-9

As I delight myself in the LORD, and He will give the desires of my heart. Psalms 37:4

Through faith nothing is impossible. Matthew 17:20

My family will be saved and they will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

God’s favour covers me and protects me like a shield. Psalm 5:12

God is able to do more than I can ever imagine. Ephesians 3:20

I will flourish because I am planted in the house of God. Psalm 92:13

I will not worry or be anxious about anything but as I keep my trust in God He will fill me with peace. Philippians 4:6-7


The Bible is filled with incredible life breathing statements. Truths to live under. Find a new thought mantle today by taking captive one thought at a time. We have the privilege and the power to speak into the lives around us but it first starts with us… so here’s the challenge: what are the words you will gravitate towards today?

Speak life. Speak love. You are worth it because He said so.

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